Meet one of the world’s most elegant, beautiful dogs, yet feistiest and primitive. One that can SCREAM before its eyes are open as a baby to get rid of predators and who takes this otherworldly scream through to adulthood. This hunting dog is Japan’s national treasure and its beauty is known worldwide, but is it as easy to care for a Shiba Inu as you think? Our experts Liz Dunhill and Michaella Dunhill Hall of Fantasa Team Vormund think otherwise. These top show winning ladies adore The Shiba Inu but want everyone to understand the real character of this breed so that you know just exactly what you are taking on before committing to one. Watch to find out..
Vormund Shiba Inu: https://www.fantasa-team-vormund.com/
Animal Watch Merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/animal-watch?aid=marketplace
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Presented, Narrated and Produced by By Anneka Svenska
Filmed by Ellen Hope Cobb
Edited by Ellen Hope Cobb
A GreenWorldTV Production
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DISCLAIMER: “The primary purpose of ‘Animal Watch’ is to inform and educate. ‘Animal Watch’ is not responsible and does not independently verify for accuracy all of the claims and opinions expressed in the episodes. Episode content does not constitute generic or specific professional advice, endorsement or services. The views, information, or opinions expressed during [the] Animal Watch episodes are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other individual, agency, organisation or company”.
#ShibaInu #shibainu #theshibainu
If thats not the cutest doggo, idk what is. I mean, its even the chaddest meme cmon
Wow it’s so beautiful it’s scream is so elegant 🙂🙃 ((first from America))
this video was released less than 3 minutes ago and there is alreadyy a dislike what the-
Shiba Inus are mini versions of Akitas I love their scream it’s so cute 🙂
Shiba Inus are the dog breed that made me want to own a dog back then
Yesssss I waited all day long for this video to be released!!!
We will be getting our Shiba in december:)
Greetings from Switzerland and thanks for the great content!
Why not a traditional title – “Shiba Inu – wolfkiller or a pet ?” 🙂
I love that you bring light to all kinds of dogs and point out their histories and their positive and negative traits. People should know what they are getting into before they get any animal.
My shiba loves being alone but also demands all the attention when im home, hes very protective and it can be really hard to explain to people they cant just walk up and pet him. He decides on wich day he wants be pet 😂
The shiba walk is an AMAZING idea!! That allows the humans to get to experience the dogs before they get one. As for the agility, they knew they were on the big stage with this show so they wanted to make sure everyone knew they were superior in every way!
It’s rare to see a dog that is cute, feisty, approachable and distinguished all at once.
I love my Shiba inu but I don’t recommend this breed for 1st time dog owners.
I actually think puppies are cuter than babies. Is that bad? I don’t know, but I don’t care.
Mari a Shiba Inu saved her master and his grand-daughter from their collapsed house after an earthquake struck Japan. One even ran a shop.
The worst part is the hair? Try having two Samoyeds like me. Then come back and tell me.
This was great, Anneka! Shibas have been my lifelong companion of choice and I think you did a terrific job capturing the beauty and quirks of the breed. I’d love to see you cover the more rare Japanese Shikoku as well in the future.
We have a Vormund from Liz and Michaella, they are fantastic breeders and Jubei is an amazing dog. But everything she says is true, they are not an easy breed in many ways, but they are brilliant characters and very rewarding.
Just like the Dingo! Very cat like, the saying goes,” you don’t own a Dingo, the Dingo owns you!” That wildness is so endearing though. 🧡
I definitely do not recommend a shiba for first time dog owners. My family has one, did zero research before getting her (even worse, they bought her from a pet store for a whopping $3,000). She’s difficult to deal with, very stubborn. She loves to run, but can not be off leash or good luck getting her back lol very high energy too. They are beautiful dogs, but please do your research! Go to a reputable breeder, or rescue one! Otherwise you will end up with one with serious temperament issues
Excellent job of portraying the Shiba Inu, Liz and Michaella certainly are the top breeders in the UK and also provide top class after care should you ever need it and which is why we have our Shiba puppy from them (one of the 4 pups jumping all over you 😂🐶)
Please fix the title where it contains the Japanese Kanji characters. 柴犬犬 reads as Shiba Inu Inu or Shiba Dog Dog as Inu means Dog. It’s just 柴犬.
people keep calling them majestic, but all i see is a teddy bear
Micro orange fluff wolves with a cat inside? Cute!