Tweets by LovelyGrooming
00:00 紹介
00:43 耳掃除
01:05 シャンプー
03:03 ブロー
03:46 カット
04:14 顔カット
06:25 カット
07:00 完成
Nikon Z 50 ボディ: https://amzn.to/3mlowgs
Nikon NIKKOR Z 20mm f/1.8 S: https://amzn.to/3GsRVgI
Nikon NIKKOR Z DX 50-250mm f/4.5-6.3 VR: https://amzn.to/3Bmyp1I
Blackmagic Design Cinema Camera 4K: https://amzn.to/3nyIOT7
当たり前かもしれないけど、ハサミ目の周りギリギリまで近づけるんだなあ 繊細な職業で尊敬します
That is not a dog. That is a gosh darn teddy bear. You can’t fool me.
That is not a dog. That is a gosh darn teddy bear. You can’t fool me.
I kept saying “AAAAWW” all throughout the video because of that cute puppy.😍😍😍
I kept saying “AAAAWW” all throughout the video because of that cute puppy.😍😍😍
The poodle looked like a little lamb after the grooming 😭😭😭
The most innocent eyes I’ve ever seen.
The most innocent eyes I’ve ever seen.
First thought: OMG I WANT ONEEEE
Next thought: man it’s so small I might lose it in my house …..tht be dangerous
it is the smallest and the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life. LOOK AT THIS BABY
You can already tell he is a good boy 😆☺️
Me throughout the whole video: smiling like an idiot
I’m gonna cry, he’s so tiny
Quarantine sucks but i wouldn’t mind being stuck with this cute little fluffball
Quarantine sucks but i wouldn’t mind being stuck with this cute little fluffball
Quarantine sucks but i wouldn’t mind being stuck with this cute little fluffball
One fact – you didn’t search for this
Are we like all friends now or smth like why are we just all being grouped up on this video???
Literally nobody:
YouTube : I kno u feeling a lil bit sad lately. Wanna see cute little pup that just got groomed?
Literally nobody:
YouTube : I kno u feeling a lil bit sad lately. Wanna see cute little pup that just got groomed?
The puppy be like: “so basically I am very smol“
Did this just randomly come in everyone’s recommendations??
Someone: you can’t ‘aww’ for 7 minutes straight
Me: *plays this video *
4:20 anxiety level: infinite
Looks like everyone got this recommended because of so many early comments
I love how YouTube recommends this to EVERYONE, and we meet up here in this video..
I feel like I’m part of a community of people here at the moment 😂 we didn’t ask for this but we definitely don’t mind
Wow this puppy is so calm unlike me during this pandemic
Youtube: wanna see a puppy grooming for the first time?
20 million people: yes
Before grooming: looks cute cuddly puppy. After: looks like a sheep 😂
It’s weird. I also look like a drowned rat when my hair is wet.
I feel like I’m looking at myself but without the nice looking ending.
Omg so frigging adorable
I can’t stop awwwing
Edit: OMG TYSM FOR THE LIKES THATS THE MOST OF GOTTEN. Also it doesn’t really matter lamb or teddy bear. I was also talkin about before the grooming but it doesn’t matter I just want a toy poodle now. I’m still lucky I have a goldendoodle ;w;
I suddenly teared up while they were washing him he’s so TINY
The fact it looks he’s enjoying it and having fun makes my heart sing
Before: teddy bear
After: sheep
the way he jumps while walking is the cutest thing everr
Me on the toilet: “omg so cute!!! Ointhoithoi bubbas!!! Look at him, he’s so cute!!”
Me: 👁👄👁
YouTube algorithm: I don’t know why but you need to watch this.
When he’s all lathered up then in the cup, probably some of the cutest stuff I’ve ever seen.
When he’s all lathered up then in the cup, probably some of the cutest stuff I’ve ever seen.
Let’s be honest none of us asked for this
But YouTube knew we needed this
Amazing how some of these little puppies are pampered more than humans, and they should be.
I was anxious the whole time bc id be afraid to hurt that little thing he looks so fragile 🥺
I’m amazed at how calm this little pupper has been throughout the whole grooming. If only I can teach my dog to be that calm lol
just had a mental breakdown and YouTube just reccomended this to me
youtube do be lookin out for me doe 😌💅🎇
edit: yeah im all good now people thanks for caring 💕 wish y’all the best
The person cutting the puppy’s fur has a lot of patience
The person cutting the puppy’s fur has a lot of patience
No one :
Literally no one :
YouTube: Here watch this. It’ll calm down your anxiety 🥺
Sweetest puppy I’ve ever seen. He’s so calm even though he must be scared getting groomed for the first time. He looks like a stuffed toy so adorable. 💜💕
Sweetest puppy I’ve ever seen. He’s so calm even though he must be scared getting groomed for the first time. He looks like a stuffed toy so adorable. 💜💕
Me: I’m not going to stay up tonight
Also me at 4:00am
I’m a full grown man. A strong and confident man. But, I’d fall so hard for a puppy this cute. I couldn’t resist. I spoil this pup. My weakness I guess
Who else watched this with butterflies in their tummy and a smile on their face throughout the whole video?
The cutting and shaping made me very nervous 😟 😣 I was hoping she didn’t slip up 😧
He’s so tiiiiiny🙉He fits in a Ramen noodle cup! So cute when he got fluffed out after a bath. He killed me with an overdose cuteness 🙉☠☠
It’s so small I’d get scared of stepping on it by accident 😭😭😭
fun fact: you didn’t search for this video
puppy gets haircut
18 million people: interesting
makes sense
6:30 the little shake!
he’s so tiny, and looks so puff after brushing!
this is the cutest video!!!
6:30 the little shake!
he’s so tiny, and looks so puff after brushing!
this is the cutest video!!!
*Puppy Blinks*
Everyone: Oh that’s so cute
*Puppy Blinks*
Everyone: Oh that’s so cute
Everyone: **talking about how adorable the puppy is**
Me: **laughing at how cute the pup is**
Everyone: **talking about how adorable the puppy is**
Me: **laughing at how cute the pup is**
Everyone is talking about getting this in they’re reccomendation but im just here to appreciate the puppy’s cuteness
Don’t be fooled: the music isn’t part of the video. It just accompanies the puppy everywhere it goes
YouTube really recommended this video and 14 million people said “ sure why not watch a cute little puppy get groomed for the first time. “
I’m literally about to cry I’ve never seen anything cuter like how do some people not like animals I don’t understand-
I remember when my doggo was at this age, He was so small he got bullied by his brothers. I thought he was gonna die because of it. But when I got him home my parents fed him crushed yp dog food with milk. Then he grew so fast. He was the size of my two little hands to the size of a side table.
I definetly did not see the dog sleeping at any point. He seemed scared and uncomforaable, but so cute also
This video just made me die and come back to life a couple times. So smol.
The dislikes are from people whose tears hit their screen on the button and didn’t notice
*Something is melting inside my chest*
cuteness over 9000**
I’d be too scared to even look at this thing, it looks like it would get squished under the weight of even a glance😭
Best part was when they blow dried him and his hair went FLOOF. So proud.
YouTube trying to cheer all our depressed asses up
Lets be honest.. no one searched for this, but we all enjoyed it!
That’s the most obedient, calm , patient 3 month old I’ve ever seen
If I accidentally hurt this puppy I would cry for life
I was so scared that something was gonna happen to him..
But he’s so Adorable.
I was so scared that something was gonna happen to him..
But he’s so Adorable.
please put a bell on him so nobody accidentally steps on him
He’s too tiny! To the point that I’m scared of him lol. I’d be TERRIFIED that I’d accidentally hurt him!
God: So how much cuteness do you want to take with you?
This adorable fluff ball: Yes
God: So how much cuteness do you want to take with you?
This adorable fluff ball: Yes
God: So how much cuteness do you want to take with you?
This adorable fluff ball: Yes
The puppy is too tiny (but adorable). I would be scared that he would get mixed up with the laundry by mistake.
The puppy is too tiny (but adorable). I would be scared that he would get mixed up with the laundry by mistake.
I could not have a dog this small, I’d have a panic attack whenever I couldn’t see it. Tho it’s really cute
What the puppy is actually thinking:
*Yes human, bow down to my very being. For I am the epitome of cuteness*
This puppy made me feel happier than Ive ever been before
Too cute, too small and too fragile. I’d be scared I would step on him. He’s a cutie for sure though!
Aw, he’s so little. I hope he wasn’t too scared and got lots of treats after! Poor baby looked so nervous. He was shaking!
Seeing his innocent facial expression I’d give everything to know what goes inside the puppies brain and what he thinks 😍😍
i have said “HE’S SO TINY” out loud three times now. i’m two minutes in.
Who else cried because the little puppy was so cute and small and adorable.
It just doesn’t get any more adorable than this little peanut.
*makes weird noises cause I’m dying of cuteness*
Sister: what are you doing?
Sister: *sees cute puppy*
Sister: *also starts making weird noises*
*makes weird noises cause I’m dying of cuteness*
Sister: what are you doing?
Sister: *sees cute puppy*
Sister: *also starts making weird noises*
Finally, a video that is from a animal channel that isn’t hurting animals. This puppy is adorable!
Awww , everyone needs a puppy like this . None can hate such a puppy
I swear the only comments Im seeing are how the dog is so cute and Im here just wishing my dog was calm enough to do this without running away
Let us have a moment of silence for those people who still haven’t watched this video.
My Mom: why r u smiling so hard
Me: iM sMiLiNg bEcAuSe thIs pUpPy oN yT it’s so cuteeeee❤️
This puppy is so cute I’m literally crying.
31 million people: *i need to see this puppy have a haircut*
Am I the only person who loved this small puppy’s hair before grooming than after?
Am I the only person who loved this small puppy’s hair before grooming than after?
The puppy looks like one of those toy puppy’s that move around with the leash
I feel special ty for all the likes 😽💖
This puppy has literally no idea how millions of people want to hug him right now
there’s something odd about seeing a dog smaller than some rodents.
Throughout the whole video, I was mostly concerned about the welfare of the mini toy poodle. So cute, yet everything around him seems dangerous.
A small puppy grooming
35 million people: interesting
I can just imagine this cute little puppy got stuck in nowhere and no one can’t find this puppy 🥺
😮 imagine how small it would’ve been when it was just born
당신은 십만개에 댓글중 한국인을 찾았습니다
Oh my god
That dog is killing me
This is what youtube was created for.
Humans for their own desires just slave the other creatures.
Pretty sure 10 years later YouTube will recommend this and some random guy will comment on being recommended in 2030.
i could literally never have a dog like this because my dad is so tall he’d probably step on it 😭😭
Even heaven isn’t this beautiful
I can die in peace now
Ps:Thx for the Pin!
Veo los comentarios y ninguno en español todos en english pikinglish
Dude does this guy heart every comment.
What a legend
He is a walking teddy bear no one can convince me otherwise .
At the start I thought he was trapping him I cried lol
Doesn’t look like the dog is having a pleasant experience.
fun fact: u didn’t search for this but ur not complaining
작은 댕댕이도 귀엽지만 큰 댕댕이도 귀여윰
갠적으로 큰 댕댕이가 좋음, 안아주면 털 때문에 푹신하고 체온이 따땃해서 기분좋음
거기에 큰 젤리에 꼬순네….
Video très mignonne, mais ce serait cool que tu retires le mot “Jouet”
사람들이 조작으로 만든 생명… 안타깝지만.. 그래도 세상에 나왔으면 행복하길…
Also me: AHAHAHA 4:14
Also also me: oh wait they are just cutting the hair
I would be absolutely terrifiedddd of hurting that lil thing🥺🥺🥺🥺😭HE IS SO TINI!
Bloody hell this puppy getting more pampered than all of us put together 😭😂
I need one but they’re way too expensive this would help with my depression
3:40 He fell asleep while drying. Just like me 🥺 it’s so cute
Ютуб: маленький щеночек купается
40 млн. людей: *да*
Fala a verdade vc estava procurando um comentário português 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
eu não sei pq o youtube me recomendou isso mas agr eu quero um cachorrinho desses kkkkk 💜
Me: Isn’t he cute because I think he is cute
Nothing: *when all the fur comes off*
귀엽긴한디.. 건강이 염려되네요. 넘 쪼꼬매서 오래 못살면 어뜨케 ㅠ
Why do they cut its tail? Cute, but these breeds go through a dark history of suffering and abuse to get to be cute.
ㄹㅇ 혼종이네 이런 작은애들이 유기견이라도 되면 어떻게 살까
He’s cuter when he was not groomed. Don’t like the cut. 😅
I really wish this was my dog, And most of all, I wish I had one of meh own!
I got relaxed while watching this video, it cures anxiety
Que susto pensei que fosse cortar a patinha do catiorro
Oh my gosh, he’s a little bear 😍
Se tu amas cães juntar a caldas solidária 🙁☹️👏
What a polite little puppy! Didn’t wiggle or anything 🥰
한국인 찾습니다 손!
My boy was that tiny when l got him, and he wiz a gud boi for his first grooming,🥰🥰🥰😷🇨🇦
X: No te puedes enamorar de un perrito
El perrito:
i watch this like once a month, i’d die for this lil guy
Am I the only person who gets scared when the scissors are so close to the puppy’s eyes? 🥺 I know the dog groomers are professionals but I still can’t help wincing! 😣
Fun fact:You didn’t search for it, YouTube gifted it to you.
He’s being so still, he doesn’t even seem like a real animal. He’s just so stinking cute I can’t take it! I literally just asked my husband if we could get a puppy
He’s being so still, he doesn’t even seem like a real animal. He’s just so stinking cute I can’t take it! I literally just asked my husband if we could get a puppy
That puppy is adorable I’m going to die someone save me
This puppy is very harmful. He attacks with his cuteness
Ok my dog is the cutest in the world (unbiased opinion here) but this little guy is a close second. OMG too sweet!
 ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
she’s so gentle and the puppy was so relaxed it began to fall asleep! amazing!!
Omg I’m gonna die from cuteness where did you find this cute little puppy?!?!?❤❤
I would take this little angel with me everywhere! Work included they would just have to deal with it lol
The fact that the doggie fitted on the tiny cup killed me with cuteness
Bruh technology has advanced so much that now they can make a teddy dog move and look so realistic-
I cant stand it this puppy Is so adorable and well behaved!
I think the part that killed me waa looking at the small chunks of cut fur on the floor…omg
Someone please pick him up and give him a hug.
Такой маленький,а такой терпеливый.Дай Бог,чтобы у него были любящие хозяева.
please someone just the little ball of cuteness up and give it a hug
omg it’s little paws i actually legit can’t cope :)))))
I just wanna put it in my pocket 😩😩😩
저렇게 작은애를 눈코입 물다들어가게 목욕시킨다구요!? 털도 굳이 자를필요없어보이는데 ㅠㅠ
_This puppy is really dangerous, he is always attacking me really bad with her cuteness._
I genuinely think that if I get a small puppy like this, I’d accidentally kill it by laying over it by accident.
she’s so gentle and the puppy was so relaxed it began to fall asleep! amazing!!
the puppy is so smol and adorable, I’m gonna cry 😭
This is the fakest looking real pupper I’ve ever seen. How amazingly adorable and precious! I can’t believe that’s a real dog!
Is YouTube trying to give me a heart attack. Because if so they are succeeding, this pup has no business being so cute 😫😫😭
I am simply. NOT. OKAY. ✨
강아지가 너무 힘들거같다
По мне так нестриженным он был красивее!!!Выщипали,как курицу!!!Некрасиво!Дизлайк!Только замучали беднягу маленького!!!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovelygrooming/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LovelyGrooming
We are surprised that so many people have watched our videos. We will try to make cute videos. Thank you.
We also started SNS, please follow me 🙏❤️
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovelygrooming/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LovelyGrooming
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovelygrooming/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LovelyGrooming
We are surprised that so many people have watched our videos. We will try to make cute videos. Thank you.
We also started SNS, please follow me 🙏❤️
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovelygrooming/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LovelyGrooming
다들 귀여우신가보다…난 안쓰러운데
강아지안키우는 사람인데 저아이 너무힘들어보이네요
i’m honestly convinced that if i had this puppy my depression would no longer be an issue😭😭😭
고문이다 개고문….
귀엽기 보다는 안쓰러워 끝까지 볼 수가 없네요
Ayyyooo..I can’t handle this cuteness 😭😭😭
사람이 미안하다 …..
I had surgery again today,seeing this little Teddybär makes me so happy and hopefull.
저리 작을때부터 꼭 손질을 해야하나? 사람들 심리를 잘모르겠네
애기가 힘도 없어보이고 먼가 짠하네요
Fun fact: If you turn this video onto mini player, the title appears in Japanese.
아…애가 귀여운데 이건 좀….개알못이지만 제가보기엔 애가 너무 힘들어보이고 강아지에대한 이해나 배려없는 샤워같아요ㅠㅠ
This the cutest most adorable little dog. His sweet face looks like my baby. I could just spoil him.
아주 랄지를 하네
I know this is not a dog, this is a little piece of cuteness💛💛
CUTEEEEEEE, Ever time I am sad I come and watch this video😊
강아지에 대한 이해가 전혀 없는 목욕인듯,,
Awww hes so cute🥺
He’s so cute💕, n that would be a boring long time for him😂
This video is the definition of Patience ❤️
Omg this looks like my baby when he was little, they grow up too fast
What a Good Well behaved Little Dog. And it has Tons of Cute too? Would be nice if it just Stayed that size.
I literally can’t it’s SOOO cute-
끝까지 못보겠어요~ 애기가 넘 안쓰러워요ㅜㅜ
아고. ㅠㅠ 저 샤워기도 아가한테
아플꺼같은데.. 제 생각이지만 ㅠㅠ 아가 힘들어보여요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Köpeğin gözüne su kaçarken gözlerim sulandı 😂
This puff ball is the cutest of all😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Aww i cant resist this much cuteness…..
This puff ball is the cutest of all😍😍😍😍😍😍😍Aww i cant resist this much cuteness…..
참 가련하고 고달픈 생명체다
It’s hard to imagine that it’s related to a wolf-
I asked my landlord if I could have a dog, she said no.
I asked her if I could have a very small dog, she said no.
I asked her if I could have a dog small enough to fit inside a teacup, she said no.
Then, she added, if I let you have a dog, I’ll have to let my other tenets
Have pets too.
And that would cause a “stink”
So I said, okay.
저두 강아지 있는데 샤워 할때 최대한 귀와 얼굴 부위를 진짜 조심해서 합니다 ㅠㅠ 샤워하는거는 좋은데 얼굴 부위는 조심히 다루는것이…
this was in my recommended and i do not regret watching the whole thing 🥺🥺🥺
털깎기전이 훨씬 귀엽구만 삽질했네
OMG he is so cute I wonder what his name is. If I had a dog and tons of treats I would give him all the treats I have. I am 9 and this is my dream.
It took thousands steps to come to his groomer.. soooo cute 😍
아기때는 강아지 목욕시키면 안돼요
강아지에 대해서 조금만 더 조사해보시면 어떨까요? 귀여운만큼 소중한 생명이니까요^^ 인터넷에 강아지 목욕법 정도만 치셔도…
OMG this has gotta be the cutest dog I have ever seen. This is the size dog I would like to get for my daughter
OMG that pup is so small and adorable. How old is she/he
OMG that pup is so small and adorable. How old is she/he
목욕을 저따위로 시키네 미친 건가
토이 조금한 강아지덴!.씻을때 .얼굴.귀 조심하게 씻어주세요! 그리고…신경써주시고요!
미니 강아지^^♥
I smiled through the whole video! SO cute!
귀여워 들어왔다가 경악하고 갑니다!!!
애기 고문당하는 거 같아요 ㅠ ㅠ
this puppy is so small 🙂 and so cute. He is such a little ball after drying
This is just another form of animal cruelty.
어떻게 시켜야지 되는건가요?
주인 입장에서는 정성스럽게 해준다고 한것같지만… 보는입장에서 잘모르겠어요
토이푸들같은건 소비하지도말고 이렇게 전시도하지말았으면…
어떤식으로 나오는지, 길러지는지 아실텐데 이걸이렇게 소비시키네
Утиии бозечкиии какой маленьких и миленький😍🥰🥰👍
굳이 얼굴에 물기랑 비눗칠을 했어야는지….강아지 잘 모르는 나도 저건 아닌것 같은대ㅠㅠㅜ 왠지 강아지가 힘들어하는것 같아서 목욕부분은 넘겼어요…ㅠㅠㅜ
I just wanna protect him from everyone and cuddle with it🥺🥺🥺
Бедняжка! Очень мал для таких жестких процедур! Жаль малыша… Зачем ему этот груминг? Он и так мил и прекрасен…
개를 제대로 키워보신 분들이라면 알거에요 3개월이 아니란걸
*Speechless* this is soooo cute
he is so cute🥺❤️
That little dog was feeling so cold while he was kept in that small container . He was wet . You should have put a blanket on him.
“Ok Mama I’ll stay silent and disciplined and will not bother the barbour”
I’m crying he is so cute omg 😭😭
보는 내내 조마조마했어요..
너무 귀엽지만
안쓰러운 마음이 드는 건 저뿐인가요 ㅠㅠ
Koreans: the dog looks so poor I can’t watch it. This is animal abuse
Others: AWW they are soooooo CUTE
좋아하는건 상대방을 힘들게 하고 사랑하는건 상대방을 아낀다
It almost doesn’t look real. It’s sooo tiny and cute
that is the cutest thing i’ve ever seen 💕 i want it to be my puppy
Que amor❤️
A steady hand and lots of patience needed. Puppy very cute 🥰
if someone showed up at my door and said you can’t have this dog i’m crying on the ground
I’m teary-eyed right now with the cuteness😭😭😭😭😭
Que lindinho…queria um assim bem pequenino…🥰
That was a very nice video, cute little puppy.
OMG!!!!! He is so freaking cute 😍! I would be so scared to trim him. One slip of the wrist you could cut the little boo’s leg off!
Does anyone know where they sell those small breed dogs? Because they are so adorable❤️❤️❤️
이간 귀여움이 먼저기보다 아기에대한 이해도가 하나도없는데요 ㅡㅡ
꽃올리고 질ㄹ하네
I don’t understand why in Asia do they have the most cutest damn dogs
이렇게 작은 생명체가 걸어다닌다니… 너무 심쿵이네용 ❤
So cute, are they going to stay in this size?, first time seeing them
What a cute little pupper!! I wish all the doggos I had to groom were this good!!
Why am i seeing this only now
The puppy is extremely extremely cute, 😍
Omg Such baby existed
끼니마다 고기는 너무 당연하고
사람편하자고 중성화 잘만시키는게 당연한문화
샤워한방에 위선자들 다걸러버리네
역시 생명보다는 이쁘고 귀여운게 전부야
The cuteness is so real right now 🥺🤗❤️, Who’s a cute lil doggy?🤗❤️
Meu deus com essas perninhas ficou igual um carneirinho kkkkkkkk lindo ❤
Как мило🤗😍😊
강아지가 어쩜 이렇게 착하게 가만히 있죠?
너무 귀여워요 ㅎㅎㅎ
Ah no this puppy made me want him so bad 😢 ❤
This gave me a smile,the level of cuteness will be never on his limit.this video was the best thing i saw on yt
this little baby is so adorable 🥰 💕 I want one so bad now🥰 they look like they behave well💕
Awe! It so adorable! This is the wholesomeness I needed to get through the day. Thank you for sharing this!
✨💗The cutest thing ever!!!💗✨
This puppy is sooo cute I’d like to take him home with me and I’ve never had a dog. I’m watching and I’m smiling ear to ear.
Сколько, говорите, ему месяцев? 3? 😳 Он выглядит, как будто вчера из яйца вылупился!🐣 Такой крохотулечка! Сладенький, маленький!😍😍😍
OMG, this is too cute! While I’m more of a kitten kind of girl myself, I do love puppies too! The poodle is my favorite breed, especially the toy variety! The poodle puppy is absolutely adorable! I love her so much! What’s her name? And what is the music in this video from? Please tell me! 🐶🐩👸💗💟🌹💐🌸🎀🐱🦄🍰
It is so small I would probably step on it accidentally. but….. HOW IN THE WORLD CAN IT BE SO CUTE!!! I bet the dog’s siblings and parents are also very cute, it’s so fluffy!!😭❤️❤️🥰😍🤩
6:29 おしりふりふり昇天かわいさ
he’s so small I’m scared like, one step and he gone, im scared. my heart could never.
Awww THATS the cutest litttle thing ever 🥺🥺💕💕
Que reaça ê este cachorrinho? É fêmea? É lindo demais 😍 . Como adquirir?
2:12 that moment in the shower when you’re like “what is my life”
Muito lindo, preciso de mais informações. Te agradeço 👍
😃😍❤❤❤❤❤🤗 so precious!!!!
Litterally just searched the word puppy this vid caught my eye and now i cant stop watching it
This is the cutest video I’ve watched this century
It’s hard to understand that the ancestors of this cute little dog were a wolf
Es tan adorable…🙈🙈❤❤❤
계속 어머나 를 외치며 봄…. 새끼양같이 묭했네요!
I can finally sleep in peace
Why is that puppy so cute? I’m dying of cuteness.
This video: exists
YouTube to 57 million people: *WATCH SMOL CUTE PUPPER NOW*
저 작은 몸이 얼마나 힘들었을꼬…ㅜ 숨죽이며 보게되네용…
Me so afraid of dogs
Also me ; why is this the cutest dog I’ve ever seen ?
Suddenly I love dogs 😀😀😀
When you’re that small it’s annoying that people think they can pick you up and do whatever they want to you.
my dad saw this vid and he’s been crying for 3 hours i’m wheezingjuhkkkjh
He’s the real life version of the puppy soft toy I hug to sleep 🥺…imma go cry in the corner
My heart just melted from cuteness
My puppy was this small too. He just grew a little bit more, and that’s it. They’re so cute!
Maybe this is the _most Adorable_ pup I’ve seen so far. Just like a real life stuffed toy.💗
I cried from how cute he is
With all that washing and shampooing you’d think he was much bigger than he is. He sure put up with a lot without any fuss. I’ll give him that.
The nutrients I need most now
That face just melts my heart. So adorable and well-behaved! The scissors are bigger than he is.
sobbing bc he’s/she’s so tiny and saurrrr cute! 🥺🥺🥺
Too adorable, he seems to love getting his haircut.
I can’t believe I just watched a whole 07 minutes 48 seconds of this. I loved every moment though. My heart has completely melted😭
These evil people are thinking more about their social media than the poor dog. No he doesn’t need his face dabbed a thousand times and no he doesn’t need a flower on his head when he is wet and uncomfortable. Horrible narcissists.
this is too wholesome 😭❤️
this is too wholesome 😭❤️
OMG…… He’s so adorable 😍❤️❤️
This baby Poppy knows someone having a nice hair cut for him/her, the poppy even co^ope with the hair dresser. Sooooo cute
I was so scared he might get blown by the dryer.
Le echa agua en los ojos, jabón.. que brutalidad.
With all the craziness going on in the world, everyone should be watching things like this! ❤️
This is so beautiful❤️
Overwhelming cuteness. I can just smell the puppy breath….
H-how?! How are they real?!?! I legit started tearing up because of this baby’s cuteness!!!
my princess is as tiny as this cute little one. by the she’s an aspin 🥰
my princess is as tiny as this cute little one. by the way she’s an aspin 🥰
I have a dog that is super similar! She is a miniature golden doodle. But, my family does want one of these precious dogs! they are so sweet and calm.❤️
Ai mds ele é tão pititiquinho 🥺❤
Videos like this bring a lot of joy. So thank you!
I could literally die, the walk omG THE LITTLE WALK KILLS ME ITS SO DARN CUTEEEE
Everyone is so shocked by the cuteness it goes over their head on how behaved this lad is.
I need him in my life but I’m afraid that I’d accidentally hurt him because he’s so tiny.
Ahh this is so cute my heart can’t handle it 💜💜
Watching this just made my dayyyyyy😭❤️
I can’t hold my heart when pup is shivering
이런 아이들 보면 너무나.. 진짜 너무나 이쁜데, 인간을 위해 태어났다는 느낌을 지울 수가 없어서 안타깝다.
Damn…God is so real.Definitely this thing can only be made with love and sweetness.
SUPER CUTE!!!!! I am a grown man, try to always be manly, but… I lose my shit for this kind of cuteness. So damn cute!
my heart literally cannot handle the cuteness i want to cry 😂😭🥺 ADORABLE
Moral: With Grooming a Puppy can be a Sheep also
I am a cat person, but I’ll give thousand thumbs for this video. The puddle is TOTALLY CUTE. Omg. You make my day.
Seems like an awful lot to put a puppy through, just to make him “pretty” to us!
Hes such an adorable cute little baby dog ❤️❤️😂😂😍😍
Aw… what a little cutie 🥰 I’m gonna melt from cuteness… ❤️
One of my dogs (her name is Dolly) was this big and we first adopted her! She’s a mix between a Maltese and a Shih Tzu. She’ll be 10 years old this November, and now she’s almost the same size as my fully grown King Charles Cavalier Cocker Spaniel (her name is Daphne). 🥰🥰🥰
One of my dogs (her name is Dolly) was this big and we first adopted her! She’s a mix between a Maltese and a Shih Tzu. She’ll be 10 years old this November, and now she’s almost the same size as my fully grown King Charles Cavalier Cocker Spaniel (her name is Daphne). 🥰🥰🥰
The level of cuteness in this video is just too much
Omg! I want one for myself! I gotta get a doggie sitter for when I have to work.🥰👍
Most adorable video I have seen…
Those eyes melted my heart
I just want to warm him up and cuddle him 😭
Cute video
Precious things 🥺
Thank you algorithm gods!
This literally made me cry. I used to have a puppy this small and this video reminded me so much of her 🙁
What a beautiful dog, he’s stunning
He’s so smol 🥺 I love him 💕🌸
Son muy hermoso como me gustaría tener una de ellos ❤️
저 귀여운 생명체는 도대체 뭐냐고ㅠㅜ
가끔씩 알고리즘에 뜨는데,
그 때 마다 홀린듯이 보게됨..
This is the cutest thing I’ve seen in my entire life.
This is the cutest thing I’ve seen in my entire life.
Que lindo muita fofura🥰 aqui no Brasil não cheguei a ver dessa raça, me apaixonei 😍 quero um….
Господи, ну до чего же нереально милый, просто как живая игрушечка. Как трогательно и все время молчит, не сопротивляясь.
If you are not careful you can step on them. Give special care to these adorable little dogs. 💕💕💕
He looks like a teddy bear. He’s so cute❤️
i think it should be illegal to be this adorable and delicate. i would be scared to even touch this tiny smol floof. my heart just melted .
I have an old toy poodle myself! To think that they start out this small and adorable just makes me love my dog even more!
Oh my actual gosh this is ADORABLE!!!
Aww….she’s loving every second of this pampering….thank you!
Such a good little puppers!!! 🐶
The music makes everything cuter and better 😍😂
음…. 귀엽고 좋은영상 힐링도되고
영상찍는다고 고생한 강아지에게
고생했다. 힘내라 화이팅
The calmest smallest poppy I ever seen!❤
my heart can’t handle this 😭😭😭😭🥱🥱🥱
It’s small as if it’s going to get crushed if you step on it. It’s so small and LOVELY!!
It’s so cute I just wanna cuddle it also he was such a good boy during this
Just when I feel like I can’t take the ugliness of the world any longer, I see this and suddenly I feel much better ❤️ from 🇨🇦
3:37 젤리 크기에 입틀막 하고
6:44 깜찍한 뒷태에서 녹았다
OMG, he’s too cute for words! I hope he is still with his mother and nursing. Too young to be separated, I feel.
А мне его жалко. Так бедный намучился.
Как игрушка, такой спокойный, ни звука.
Сколько же терпения у малыша и у мастера! Милый маленький комочек!
So precious looks like my Tetley Tea . She is in Heaven now. God love it.
Parabenscaos profissionais👏👏👏👏💞💞💖💖❤❤😍😍super carinho e paciência e habilidade👏👏👏👏
que cachorrinho fofo! <3 aqui no Brasil eu nunca vi um dessa espécie ou algum parecido, eu so vejo os cachorros caramelos mesmo ksks 🙂 me apaixonei por esse doguinho s2
OMG! The most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. So cute!!😍😍😍😍😍
OMG. Its the pose and the strut afterwards for me. 7:02 The puppy feeling himself! 😏 Not the over the shoulder pose! Hahahaha TOO adorable!
Жалкий какой .
Прямо сердце сжимается , глядя на него .
its been more than a year since this video was posted n I still come back every day for my daily serotonin boost 🥰
I wish this baby be treated very well like a child and be happy and healthy forever!!!
What a cutest thing l’ve seen in my whole life 😍😊
Even after grooming it looks like a loaded sheep. 😂 Jokes aside this is too cute to handle! 😍😍🥰
That hands down is the cutest little pup EVER
Hay que ser muy responsable con nuestras mascotas, precisan muchos cuidados que pueden tener un coste enómico alto, algunos son como bebés y casi nos requieren continuamente. Así que antes de comprar o adoptar piensen con responsabilidad si pueden atenderlos como merecen. ♥️🐾🐶
It’s so little and so cute God is amazing❤ look at that little baby🥳❤
Lindo ❤️ parece um ursinho!!! ❣️❣️🐾🐶
У собачки просто азиатское терпение. Какой же он хорошенький. 🤗❤️
Почитала комментарии. Люди Мира, я вас люблю!!! Сколько же у нас добрых, любящих Хвостиков настоящих Людей!!!! Во всех странах, на всех языках умильные сообщения!
Целуйте своих милых питомцев! Особенно, Найденышей и Спасенышей!!!!!!!
Aww; this is the sweetest pup ever and was so cooperative! I have such an affinity for pets since I have become a pet owner. This has just absolutely touched my heart. May God Bless this baby and the caregivers always! #super cute expression of life
The most ADORABLE puppy I’ve seen
Sweetest thing ever!💕💝 Such a good puppy.
He’s such a good boy……. just adorable😍😍❤️
He’s so well behaved! 🥺🥺🥺
I’d be spoiling this baby rotten! Have it on my chest as we sleep as it curls into a baby ball!💜
Soooo sweet and adorable🥺 I can’t contain myself I want it SOOOOOO BADD
Sooo cute!! I’d spend my whole check on that baby; The dog would be in the salon and getting new outfits and doggy treats and I’d just put my credit card in his mouth and wait outside, lol!!!
God Be The Glory.
he’s call Afro Dog.
Precious little puppy. Glad the owner takes care of his coat early. Forget the flowers, bows and scarves. Animals don’t know the difference.
Depression cure:
Therapy ❎
Video of a cute little puppy taking a shower ✅
He must be protected at all costs.
Omg adorable I had a dog like that but he’s grown up
Omg this is so cute, I can’t 😭👆
Omg this is so cute, I can’t 😭👆
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! I’m literally crying because they’re soooooooooo cute!!!!!!
Какой милёныш ❤ Тоже такого хочу. Что это за порода?
Tamanho não é documento.
Veja o charme, a fortaleza! ♡
너무 귀여워요❤❤ 토이푸들이 처음하는게 아닌것처럼 너무 잘 따라주고 주인분도 너무 잘 자르세요!! 응원해요😊
너무 귀여워요❤❤ 토이푸들이 처음하는게 아닌것처럼 너무 잘 따라주고 주인분도 너무 잘 자르세요!! 응원해요😊
Tão quentinho, bonzinho. Um verdadeiro anjinho.
If I had a cute little furry like this puppy in my life, it would be complete! If I ever get a million dollars, I’m adopting all the dogs and cats in the streets and adoption shelters!
Aww that puppy didn’t even move a muscle while he was being bathed and trimmed!
1:33 – that tub to him is like what the pacific ocean is to us humans
I’m impressed by how quiet he is. My Maltese poodle used to whine so much when she was getting groomed.
The cutest & adorable puppy I’ve ever seen!
Just to make it clear: at least it’s a carnivore that kills its prey.
Это было слишком мило, особенно на фоне того что я смотрел до этого, а именно “Расстрел югославской военной колонны в Тузле, 1992”
Lucky person who cleaned this dog and the way he walks makes me wanna scream and say “CUTE”
“cutting” “face out”
this sounds so goresome
Que fofura ❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍😍😍😍😍😍
Oh he is so tiny and cute. So calm I want one just like the precious little baby
I’m smiling like an idiot while watching this. It’s so adorable
Ai que coisinha mais linda, quero para mim 👏👏👏👏🥰🥰🥰
it’s so cute that the hairdresser pays attention to every move of the puppy
애기야 그저 건강히, 아프지말고 오래오래 행복하게 살자~ 뭔가 찡하네요 마음이..
Это было очень мило!💖
You are truly an artist with these adorable pups AMAZING 😍
Loving the music 😂, it goes so well with the video of this precious dog. The groomers are amazing! What a fun job.
Me showing this vid to my parents in order to convince them to get me a puppy
My parents be like:
Aww the puppy is so cute 😍
My expectations: high
Then they goes like this:
But we ain’t getting one 😊
Me be like: ok… Expectations are gone.😑
Ps. The puppy is so cute😍😍
Why is the puppy so well behaved? It barely makes a fuss during this entire process. Mind boggling
The groomer she’s so delicate, and the little dog has nerves of steel.
Ele feche os olhinhos gostando de ser cuidado, lindooooo
Oh. My. God. I just watched this whole video with my mouth wide open. Absolutely adorable little puppy!!!!
Achei que o cãozinho ia sumir no sabão ❤️😍
I smiled all the way through this. So cute! He looks like a little bear 😊
OH MY GOODNESS I NEED IT!!! This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen
Vim do futuro pra dizer que todos humildes vão realizar todos os seus sonhos amém 🙏🏻❤️
So beautiful, delicate, innocent and cute. My day is made happier by seeing these beautiful creatures. 🥰🥰
What I can’t get over is how much this little doll is enjoying the spa treatment. 😂
아니 진짜 존나 귀엽다 보고만 있어도 웃음이 나오네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 마지막에 아장아장 걷는거 너무 좋다
Poor guy, he just wants to sleep a little bit!
She: ✂️
He’s so good behaved and extremely adorable 🥰
I literally said “omg! He’s so cute. Aaaaahh!!” for the entire video. Like “Aaaaaahhh!!!!”
So Tiny and Adorable. 😍
You deff gotta make sure you put him up somewhere blocked off so you dont accidentally crush him in the middle of the night lol
OMG, what a cutie patootie! If only this pup knew how utterly adorable he is…..
The pup is adorable, tiny, and seems confused…
But also really well behaved!
Doggie’s owner is so lucky to have this adorable puppy ❤️
I wish someone would give me this kind of attention and care when I get my hair cut. 🐕🦺🐶😉
Who would have thought that this beautiful little puppy could get any cuter? The grooming made an enormous difference. You can see his features now. I loved that view of his cute little behind. What a little munchkin! He was so well behaved.
Reminds me of my dog when I first got him. He was about the same size and immediate got so attached, he wouldn’t even sleep unless I was holding him and sitting on the floor with him. So I basically had to skip meals and neglect my typical work and hobbies to care for him until he got used to his new home. A lot of work, but all worth it.
Reminds me of my dog when I first got him. He was about the same size and immediately got so attached, he wouldn’t even sleep unless I was holding him and sitting on the floor with him. So I basically had to skip meals and neglect my typical work and hobbies to care for him until he got used to his new home. A lot of work, but all worth it.
The most calm and good behaving dog I ever seen.
_this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen_
Ahhhhhhhhhh I can’t handle such small adorable cute little baby puppies! So cute! 🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍😍
This is the cutest thing I have ever seen omg it’s gorgeous how much for the dog lol 😂
I almost had a heart attack when you started to cut around his/her face
He’s like a real life teddy bear.
It’s so beautiful, tiny, adorable, fluffy, and perfect, it’s so cute to the extent that I wanna cry😭😭😭.
YouTube: Quieres ver a un cachorro acicalarse?
Yo: Si claro no me preguntes
Oh my god. This has warmed my heart
Morri de amor! ❤️
The way he walked up from the groomer’s room reminded me of my dog as a baby trying to go up the stairs
Очаровательная собачка 😍🥰 Только можно было поаккуратнее мыть, без пены в глаза🥺
He’s just living his best tiny wittle puppy life🥺
He is such a good puppy. So calm❣️
It’s like a wish brought a teddy to life, except he’s not a drunk, foul mouthed bostonian
This is actually a great idea, as he hopefully won’t be scared to get a haircut when he’s older (my dog hates them)💗
Oh, he’s o adorable!! I getting nervous scared for his eyeballs lol so cute!!!!
I’m gonna cry from cuteness this is amazing 😭😭😭
I’m gonna cry from cuteness this is amazing 😭😭😭
I have a toy poodle but I didn’t know they can be that small!
It’s so cute!
Even Demon’s heart melted after seeing this
Ok this is officially the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. He looks like a little stuffed animal!
As it is so adorable and that makes me wanna adopt every small cute animal 💕💖
Muito fofo,dá vontade de apertar ❤
This was actually very relaxing to watch that puppy wasn’t scared and the groomer had a nice steady hand,
You can tell and feel everything he’s thinking
My goodness. He is one of the cutest lil guys I’ve ever seen.😃
썸네일이 넘모 귀여워 영상을 누르지 않을 수 없었당..!😍 그와중에 애기도 너무 얌전히 있다니..🥰🥰🥰🥰
I was making weird noises the whole time, but when I saw him fit into that cup a whole, I just screamed ‘SO SMOL’.
My sister thinks I’m weird now lmao.
I’m pretty sure that everyone who watched the first 5 seconds, had a smile immediately.
I would have been too scared to hold him. He looks so fragile and breakable. But cute as heck.
that is no ordinary adorable puppy, that is a puppy brought from the heavens bringing cuteness to the world, being cute whatever it does😭
I own a toy poodle myself. When it is young, it is cute. When it gets older, it becomes a really smart dog. Thanks for sharing. Helps refresh my memory of having a poodle.
Τι όμορφο πλάσμα είναι αυτό,,θα ήθελα ένα πάρα πολύ..και θα το αγαπούσα με όλη μου την ψυχή είναι πανέμορφο!!!!
It has a personality…just looks around like…” Everything is bigger than me”
варвары, оставьте младенца в покое… вы его замучили
35 million people just had to suddenly find this intriguing.
That is the most adorable dog I’ve ever seen in my life
He looks too unreal to be real but he’s real and now I can’t handle him. HE IS SO CUTE
Боже мой какая лапонька 🤗💋какой он крохотный,милаха щеночек 🐾🐶 Где вы его взяли? Спасибо что так заботитесь о малыше🐶
Такой милый малыш) После стрижки стал похож на маленькую овечку))))
Everyone always like “my dog is the cutest and nothing can change me mind” as a dog owner this is we’re i fold there is nothing cuter then this bundle of joy
I had a miniature poodle named Misiu (teddy bear). This little guy reminds me of him so much. Much smaller than my Misiu but the same adorable face and ridiculously cute nose.
I just fell in love with this little puppy so fast.
I find it so strange that this little puppy’s really old ancestors were wolves of the stone age
He looked so sleepy and calm after a nice bath!!! 😍😍😍😍
Humans can be awful but they also are wonderful amazing creatures capable of so much love and care… just look at how this baby is being treated 😍
Omg this puppy is so cute thank you for posting this gem of a clip on YouTube!
If he were to be put up for adoption he would sale in less than 1 minute! lol SO CUTEEEEEE 😍
ちっっっちぇ〜…可愛いな…かわいい…どうやって生きてるの… ちっちぇ〜…大型犬が1リットルコーラだとしたらこのわんちゃん冬のあったか〜いペットボトルくらいしかない…すごい…なんで…可愛い…
That puppy is beyond ridiculously cute! 🐶♥️
Никогда не думала, что бывают настолько маленькие собаки. Он такой милый
that was so heccin adorable
but i spent the whole showering part laughing so hard till i cried
bc c’mon now you can’t tell me this dog is the biggest catfish and is secretly 2/3rds bald-
I love how in the end they gave him a around sheep torso and his tiny legs had less fur on it.
Oh wow!! Literally the cutest puppy I’ve ever seen in my whole entire life😍😍
В каждом ролике на выстригании шерсти вокруг глаз я замираю. Всё-таки это дар – огромная уверенность и фундаментальное спокойствие в работе с животными.
Какая трогательная забота о собаках: очень низкие ступенечки 👏👏👏. Малыш – просто восторг!!!
Какая трогательная забота о собаках: очень низкие ступенечки 👏👏👏. Малыш – просто восторг!!!
Какая трогательная забота о собаках: очень низкие ступенечки 👏👏👏. Малыш – просто восторг!!!
Какая трогательная забота о собаках: очень низкие ступенечки 👏👏👏. Малыш – просто восторг!!!
やばい、めっちゃかわいい☺️ 溜まってたストレスどっかいったわ笑笑
Awwwww so cute and wholesome this made my day💖💖💖
ficou pareendo uma mini ovelha <3
I’ve seen dogs this size and My family is like: “bro is that even a dog??”
Awww he’s too too cute! Look at him♡♡♡♡
This is the cutest puppy I’ve ever seen ♥︎🥺
oh my god, he is such a cute, such sensitive and detailed care made me very happy because there are such caring people in the world 🥺🙇🏼♀️
이영상은 너무 과격해… 치명적인 귀여움이 심장을 뿌셔버림
And he is up and away to conquer the world… His secret weapon: his fluffiness! Very effective! 🙂
Those mini pups the most precious thing I ever seeing in my life 🤯 I want one before I died , 😍
I would literally shake out of fear if I had to bathe him…. he’s too delicate 🥺
I would literally shake out of fear if I had to bathe him…. he’s too delicate 🥺
This cute little furball just melted my heart ~♡
This dog makes me want to go crazy. It’s insanely cute. I don’t know what to do with myself or how to handle this cuteness overload. And that goes for all teacup maltase’s.
awww he looks like a little teddy bear. and he’s so well behaved.
Que chiquitín que eres, porque ya lleva viajando un año el vídeo. Es una preciosidad, que quietecito se queda, creo que le encantó. 🤗🥰
It’s been a year and I wanna see how grown up this lil guy is now🥺
starting my morning with this adorale little dog is just what i needed. i cannot handle this cuteness! it’s too much ♥
This is so cute I can’t stop smiling 😍
I cried. The puppy is adorable 😭
This is so cute and just awwww! I was scared that they were gonna cut out her eye but fortunately they were very careful with this little cutie!
What’s her name?
definitely the cutest thing out there. My heart is so full after watching this video
No se como llegué aquí pero ese perrito es una ternurita 😍
Literalmente puedo verlo durante todo el día 😍💖
muito pequenininho😍❤
Me: bathing my dog
My dog: *shouts like she’s getting fried*
My dog is literally bigger than that cute puppy!
Im going crazy on how cute that puppy is!
It’s soooooooo cute, [I wish yaal could hear me squealing] awwww It’s so tiny.
My day literally just brightened. It’s so fluffy and poofy .
Tadinho! Sofreu sem reclamar… Mt fofo.
Aiiiii…. que coisa mais lindaaaaaa….. tao pequenino…
Mto lindo!!! 😍😍😍😍😍
아이구ㅜㅜㅜㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ저 쪼깨난 물바가지에 들어가있다니 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ 목욕도 너무 잘하고 순한 아가야네♡
아이구ㅜㅜㅜㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ저 쪼깨난 물바가지에 들어가있다니 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ 목욕도 너무 잘하고 순한 아가야네♡
Ele(ela) é tão comportadinho 😍😍😍😍😍
Que fofura
진짜 너무 쪼꼼하고 너무 사랑스럽다 윽…
Como é lindo 🙏
토이푸들…ㅠㅠ 견종인지는 몰라도 꼭 다른 이름으로 바뀌면 좋겠네요.강아지인데 토이…ㅠㅁㅠ
아니 진짜 저 크기가 살아 숨 쉬고 움직이고 네발로 서있고 계단을 내려올 수 있는거였어?
알고는 있었지만 두눈으로 확인 당하니깐 기분이 존나 좋아
악 청소안한 우리집 먼지가 저 아가보다 더 크겠다ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
너무 귀여워ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
심장에 해로워요,,,읔❤️
This is one of the few videos where I genuinely curled in on myself and cooed to myself out loud in the middle of the night. I could not stop myself from making that facial expression that we all do when we see cute things, no matter how much I tried to stop it. This is officially the cutest thing I’ve seen in months.
Thanks for posting this! Absolutely made my night.
Muito fofinho!
Какой милый щеночек! 😍
It’s so cute that I can’t stop laughing all the time I saw it.
주인 잘 만나서 오래 살았으면 좋겠다
I have nothing to say but this.
lindo d+++😍😍😍😘❤
아…강쥐겁나 커엽누우…..내 심장 돌려네!
이거 보면서 심장아파서 눈물흘림….ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아…강쥐겁나 커엽누우…..내 심장 돌려네!
이거 보면서 심장아파서 눈물흘림….ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
작은 생명 하나까지 정성스럽게 돌봐주는 모습이 감동이에요 강아지 너무 기여워용!!!!
이런 거 볼 때마다 강아지일 때 입양했다가 커지면 버리는 사람이 늘어날까 겁이 난다. 한 때 유행했던 t컵 푸들도 사실은 개월 수를 다 채우기 전에 배를 갈라 꺼낸 강아지들이었고
너무 귀엽다잉
너무 귀엽다ㅜㅜ 작고 소중해…❤️🥺❤️ 미용중에 가만히 있는거보니까 진짜 착하다ㅋㅋㅋ 미용사님 손길도 너무 부드러워요~ 완전 능력자!👍 건강하게 자라렴 아가~❤️
너무 귀엽다ㅜㅜ 작고 소중해…❤️🥺❤️ 미용중에 가만히 있는거보니까 진짜 착하다ㅋㅋㅋ 미용사님 손길도 너무 부드러워요~ 완전 능력자!👍 건강하게 자라렴 아가~❤️
Какой милый щенок! Здоровья ему и пусть попадется хороший хозяин!!!😃😃😃
Hay pero que cosita más hermosa y adorable 🥺❤️
Aw! Look how cute and tiny that puppy is :DD! So adorable~
The amount of time, love and care that went into this puppies clean and haircut is impressive.
애기가 추워보이는데 보기 조금 그렇네요 그리고 애기가 장난감도 아니고 너무 상품화 하시는거 아닌가요..
Que lindo 🤩 muito pequeno!❤️
My toy poodle is now 11 months old and behaved similarly at that age. The seven month old bathing experience was much less cordial.
Awesome video.
Такой послушный🥰
너무 귀여워요~
he’s adorable AND so cute if I had the chance to get him, I would not let that big opportunity go away
Gently grooming for a little pup. Love it.
He is so cute 🥰 I just want a puppy now 🐶 I LOVE HIM
This is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my hole life THE PUPPY IS JUST TO CUTEEEEEEEEE just the way he sticks his tongue out is adorable I wish I could just squeeze him!
This is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my hole life THE PUPPY IS JUST TO CUTEEEEEEEEE just the way he sticks his tongue out is adorable I wish I could just squeeze him!
This is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my hole life THE PUPPY IS JUST TO CUTEEEEEEEEE just the way he sticks his tongue out is adorable I wish I could just squeeze him!
This is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my hole life THE PUPPY IS JUST TO CUTEEEEEEEEE just the way he sticks his tongue out is adorable I wish I could just squeeze him!
SOOOOO CUTE!! When I clicked on this video I thought it was gonna be cute… but it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life!!!!!!!!
That’s the most cutest little dog I have ever seen. I want a dog like that one very very smart. 😘
I was nervous with the grooming towards eyes. He’s such a cute tea cup. I smiled the whole time. Too cute! ☺️
Ele é lindinho, o pelo dele parece de um carneirinho,so faltou as orelhinhas serem parecidas né??? e ser branquinho!! Mas o corte ficou lindinho também!!as criancinhas iriam adorar ter um bichinho tão delicadinho!!
I had a panic attack at 2:04 of how cute it was
The person grooming him must have been so happy and lucky that she got the tiny puppy as her client
The person grooming him must have been so happy and lucky that she got the tiny puppy as her client
Божечка моя)))) Дай Бог здоровья тем кто заботится об этом Ангелочке! Как ему страшно и как он доверяет людям))))
Просто прелесть
Спасибо большое
The dog was so adorable I wish I had a dog like that
He/She is so smoll! I was dying for this whole 7 mins and 48 secs.
The fact that there is over 70 million views on this video is proof enough that this is adorable!
Oh my goodness!!! Sweet, tiny thing. How old was this puppy?
Parece de brinquedo. Lindo.♥️
I’m so glad Youtube recommended me this. IT’S SO SMALL AND CUTE, i was on the verge of tears!
I can’t get over the fact that the puppy is sooo tiny and adorable
I can’t get over the fact that the puppy is sooo tiny and adorable
I can’t get over the fact that the puppy is sooo tiny and adorable
I can’t get over the fact that the puppy is sooo tiny and adorable
I can’t get over the fact that the puppy is sooo tiny and adorable
Me encantó el. Video que tierno🤩🤩🤩💗💗💗💗
Por favor esto es muy tierno 😢😍😍😍😻💓😘
Awwwwww. I am literally squeaking. That was SO CUTE!
So cute
I love how in the end they gave him a around sheep torso and his tiny legs had less fur on it.
this dog so cute 🥰😭❤️🔥
I’m literally going to cry. This is so cute.
He’s so calm. My dogs are crazy when I bath them. He’s so tiny and cute
Beautiful little pup. He was so good while getting his first bath and haircut.
Ownnnn que fofura❤️
Ownnnn que fofura❤️
Las patitas deberían ser más peluditas 🥰
This was recommended to me and I’m literally gonna cry for too MUCH CUTENESS
Pequeno no tamanho mas gigante na fofura
This brings up so many memories of my own little puppy. He’s two years old now and nearly fit in one hand when we got him 😭 but he definitely didn’t behave this well when he was younger
This brings up so many memories of my own little puppy. He’s two years old now and nearly fit in one hand when we got him 😭 but he definitely didn’t behave this well when he was younger
It’s 2022 and I can’t stop watching this cuteness 😭
It’s 2022 and I can’t stop watching this cuteness 😭
It’s 2022 and I can’t stop watching this cuteness 😭
It’s 2022 and I can’t stop watching this cuteness 😭
It’s 2022 and I can’t stop watching this cuteness 😭
It’s 2022 and I can’t stop watching this cuteness 😭
Sooo adorable & what a good boy he is…
Que coisinha mais linda e totosa, muita fofura, muito dengo, lindo, tô apaixonada 😍😍😍😍
Qué pequeñito!
Muy hermoso quedó después de su gran trabajo.
Felicidades a ambos!
Que hermosa
le amo con toda mi alma y corazón. espero que sea feliz y que le vaya genial un beso para el <3
Que fofinho um amor miminho!🐶💝💝💝💝
The way I cried and screamed at this cuteness is embarrassing! I’m hyperventilating like crazy. Put a warning label in the title next time. Lord have mercy, I want a tea cup puppy now. Just wait till my hubby gets home. 😍🥰
Я щас помру. Оно мало того, что маленькое ещё и пушистое!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! АААА ТАК И ХОЧЕТСЯ ПРОСТО ОБНЯТЬ И ПЛАКАТЬ. Почему это так МИЛОООООООООО???????????????????????
Look, yes he is a cute puppy. Ok, BUT get him washed, get him rinsed, get him dry and get him done. None of this “Oh, he looks so cute wet and cold in a yellow cup. Let’s video him while shivers.” or “Let’s put a flower on his head when he is wet and cold, and take time away that could be used to dry him and get him warm.” He is a living being (and a cold, wet and scared one at that). He is not a cutsie doll.
there are no words that are strong enough to explain how FRICKING ADORABLE THIS PUPPY IS
there are no words that are strong enough to explain how FRICKING ADORABLE THIS PUPPY IS
there are no words that are strong enough to explain how FRICKING ADORABLE THIS PUPPY IS
Se não fosse essa línguinha para fora, tomando água, eu ia achar que era um robozinho, não um cachorrinho.
♡ from Brazil …🇧🇷☘
Não consigo não assistir e não rir vendo essa fofura toda 😍
Não consigo não assistir e não rir vendo essa fofura toda 😍
Yo quiero uno así ☺️☺️
Love watching them groom so gentle and so good
No one can comprehend the amount of internal squealing I was doing while looking at that precious boy
Ahhhh quero um igialzinho
This puppy literally cost more than my life.
Adorable little squirt ♥
He’s a teddy bear 🐻🐻
I love this so much, their so poofy! Thank you for sharing this with us 🌸
I love this so much, their so poofy! Thank you for sharing this with us 🌸
I love this so much, their so poofy! Thank you for sharing this with us 🌸
The world needs more people like you being kind to puppys!🐶
The world needs more people like you being kind to puppys!🐶
Se porta super 🥰
Meu Deus, que animalzinho mais fofo!!! Como podem maltratar sem arrependimento?
que cachorrinho mais fofoooo e muito fofoo😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🐕🐕😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!!🥰
Que coisa mais fofa meu Deus do céu!!! 😍😍😍😍
This puppy is precious. Wish we could see what he/she looks like now. Why was the fur cut so short? I couldn’t believe the puppy behaved so well when being groomed
Aowww. I am crying. It is very cute 🥺
From Turkey..🇹🇷❤
This is one of the few videos where I genuinely curled in on myself and cooed to myself out loud in the middle of the night. I could not stop myself from making that facial expression that we all do when we see cute things, no matter how much I tried to stop it.
This dog is so cute! I can’t bare but to smile all the time! This is so good, This just made my day!
Muito lindo
The puppy is so freaking adorable, but the grooming is also giving me anxiety 😂
*it’s so sute~ aaaaaaa~*
Aww he’s so cute but also quite nervous. What a good boy.
He is so tiny, I would constantly be worried about stepping on him. I would be carrying him everywhere.
i actually cried from how cute this puppy is
so handsome… just like me! hehe…
Oh my goodness. Its cuteness overload again. This little mite is the the most beautiful little puppy..💕💕💕💕🐥
So adorable! But terrifyingly tiny! Lovely job!
Muito fofo 😍💜💜
Muito fofo 😍💜💜
So cute 🥰
Yesterday was my first time bathing my 9-week-old Korean Maltese. It was fun as I watched this. I learned something from your style. So cute puppy!😊😍
Yesterday was my first time bathing my 9-week-old Korean Maltese. It was fun as I watched this. I learned something from your style. So cute puppy!😊😍
É linda demais mas é mto prqueninha tadinha
Que boneto
It’s 2022 and I can’t stop watching this cuteness
Такой миленький маленький несмышлëнышь🐕, первый раз у грумера, ничего ещё не понимаете, удачи по жизни и здоровья крепкого❗🌼🤗
너무귀여워>~< 강아지
너무귀여워>~< 강아지
So cute
So cute 🥰🥰🥰
The Dog is cute 😁😘😍🤗💕
3개월노 해도 돼나?
Боже мой, это так мило, я не могу 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Im in love<3
Esse vídeo sempre faz meu dia em 100%
Que lindo cachorrito
Me encanta ese cachorro ..
Me lo regalarias hace tiempo que quiero uno puedeeees🙏🙏🙏
Such a good little puppy ..so cute wish my puppy was that good at grooming …
So liebevolle herzliche Pflege 🥰
She is so calm 😊😊😊
Give the puppy to me I’m gonna die from the cuteness
The puppy is so cuteee! 🥰🥰
Fantástico!! Lindinho ficou um luxo😍 com o corte. Como não amar muito fofo.👏❤
Fantástico!! Lindinho ficou um luxo😍 com o corte. Como não amar muito fofo.👏❤
Lindo demais
The puppy is so fragile! I would be scared to hold around neck and trim by the eyes. They did such a fantastic job!!😊💜
I swear I’m literally gonna die from too much cuteness , that puppy is SO adorable 🥺
I swear I’m literally gonna die from too much cuteness , that puppy is SO adorable 🥺
I swear I’m literally gonna die from too much cuteness , that puppy is SO adorable 🥺
he is literally adorable!🥰 I NEED THAT DOG HE IS SO CUTE
Es demasiado adorable!
Que lindos 😻🐕🍖🍗🌭🐕🐶
So tiny and cute 🥰
Какая крохотуля😍 маленькая овечка)
Que fofura ❤❤❤
Que fofura ❤❤❤
I can’t believe this is a wolf
awww so cute❤
Очень милый щенок.
Но работа мастера груминга очень плохая, стрижка щенка плохая, испортили внешний вид.
Little sheep 💜
The dog is so tiny and adorable eeeeek
Omg Absolutely Adorable 🥰 I’m actually looking for small dog types! So this is gonna be one of my 5 options to choose from! 💜
when i saw this for the first time i explode out of cuteness
baby 🥰
If this doesn’t bring smile on someone’s face, don’t know what will
The person doing this cleaning is very gentle. and patience is just adorable my granddaughters enjoyed this as did I very much. Thanks for sharing this 🤗☺️
Taki kochany!Malutki piesek o wielkim serduszku❤️
Taki kochany!Malutki piesek o wielkim serduszku❤️
I’m more of a cat person than a dog person but this is pure cuteness.
I cannot believe how calm, quiet, still this puppy was during this whole ordeal. Amazing.
I cannot believe how calm, quiet, still this puppy was during this whole ordeal. Amazing.
Это слишком мило❤
Such a cute doggie ❤
So cute 🥰 this made my day
щенок прекрасный, грумер действительно сделал некоторые ошибки… очень жаль, но это не так страшно!
Зачем так издеваться над малышом! Он и без всего этого был очень милый,а вы ради популярности подвергли его такому страху….Видно,что ему очень страшно и холодно,но деваться некуда!
He looks like a small plushie 🙂
可愛い ❤️
He looks like a small plushie 🙂
可愛い ❤️
Ele é realmente muito fofo, porém deve ser muito sensível devido ao seu tamanho,por isso é sempre bom comprar com bons criadores
Ele é realmente muito fofo, porém deve ser muito sensível devido ao seu tamanho,por isso é sempre bom comprar com bons criadores
아후 너무귀엽고 이뻐요 ㅎ 말못한 동물들 사람들이 보살펴줘야합니다 멍이눈빛이겁에질려있는 눈빛이내요
이 세상 미모가 아니다. 정말 너무 너무 귀여워서 미치겠다.
이 세상 미모가 아니다. 정말 너무 너무 귀여워서 미치겠다.
Aww so adorable!😊
Awww look how little.. I want him
Omg! So cute!❤❤❤❤❤❤
kawaii ☺
Cosita tan linda
So adorable! My Goldendoodle Chewie was 4 months when we got him, still super adorable but not quite this small.😊
This puppy can turn a “non-dog person” to a “DOG PERSON”!!!😭♥️
Omg how cuteeeeeee !!! 🥹🥹🥹❤️
Omg how cuteeeeeee !!! 🥹🥹🥹❤️
So cute very loveable 😍😍😍😍😍
Adorable 🥰🥰🥰🥰
ちっちゃくて可愛い( ´,,•ω•,,`)♡
My chihuahua would never put up with that. LOL
Probably the loveliest YT video I’ve ever seen. Just gorgeous 🥺😍
세상에나 마상에나 너무 작아서 너무 귀여워!
Reminds me of the fear of bathing my son for the first time ,I was terrified I had to have help he seriously was not happy ether I soon learned put him in warm bath with me was far easier other day I had to shower my friends dog we have walk in shower so bikini on dog and me went in 😂❤He was perfectly behaved his is 15 months old no shaking his coat everywhere ,our dog used to no matter what do that !It was a necessity .I am getting Mini Cockerpoo on 29/12/2022 named TEO (Spanish )He is black but I need retraining !
MDS, eu quero um
that’s a full ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ on the cuteness scale ✌🏼😎
какой лапочка🥰🥰💗💗
Teacup pups are genetically modified to stop hormones to be signaled to the brain. It’s an inhumane practice towards the animal. Let an animal be naturally an animal, as adorable as they are it shortens their lifespans and creates illnesses later on. On a brighter note, so very adorable~
I love the pup I want her for CHRISTMAS!!!🐶
esse foi o vídeo mais fofo que eu já vi😭❣️
He’s too adorable!!!! I love it how he walks up the “stairs” and when groomer put him in the yellow cup 😍. A what good little boy he is!
He’s too adorable!!!! I love it how he walks up the “stairs” and when groomer put him in the yellow cup 😍. A what good little boy he is!
Il est trop mignon, on a envie de lui faire des bisous partout et pleins de câlins !!! 🥰
OMG, this puppy is about as cute as I’ve ever seen. And he was so good when he was being bathed and groomed. ❤️
OMG, this puppy is about as cute as I’ve ever seen. And he was so good when he was being bathed and groomed. ❤️
Просто нет слов, мимишность зашкаливает😻
It just doesn’t get any more adorable than this little peanut.
It just doesn’t get any more adorable than this little peanut.
He’s so cute but teacup dogs can have many complications so be gentle around them and frequently bring them to the vet
Muito fofo❤❤❤❤
Как, как этот крошечный чудесный малыш не боится и такой доверчивый, впервые груминг? Это чудо! ☺️ Такой собачий ангелок))
I had a toy poodle named Foxy from 2004 to 2013. She died of congestive heart failure in me and my ex gf arms 🙁 it was the saddest night of my life !! Foxy was the sweetest little thing !! She would just follow me everywhere I went 🙂 She was always by my side. After Foxy passed I did get a min Pin named Pennie. She is 10 now. Has diabetes and needs insulin twice a day. But she is my baby and I would do anything for her !!!
This hairstyle looks so funny 🤣🤣
내일 시헌날인데 공부도 안하고 이걸 보고 심장이 아파요
He looked better and happier before the ‘grooming’.
невероятно милый ребенок!
아~ 진짜 너무 귀엽잖아~~~~~~~~
진짜 작고 얌전하다.❤
Aaaah that’s so cute❤
Зачем такому маленькому щеночку груминг?Он же только от мамки,еще совсем не грязный!Такая прелесть, просто слов не хватает,чтоб это описать🤗😍
The question is where is he today= world’s sweetest pupy.😊
Too cute 🥰
So cute 😍
Herzallerliebst das Kleine. So ein kleines Malteser/ Puppy. Da kommen mir die Tränen. Mein geliebter Malteser war auch einmal so winzig. Leider ist mein Schätzchen, mit 15 Jahren, an Nierenversagen, über die Regenbogenbrücke.😥😥😥. Dem kleinen, süßen Malteser wünsche ich alles Liebe und möge das Kleine auch 15 Jahre lang sein Leben genießen können.💋💋💋