インドで乱闘… 攻撃的な猿は、子猿の殺害の報復として 250 頭以上の犬を虐殺しました。
#AnimalAttack #Wildlife #野生動物の攻撃 #野生動物 #猿人 #犬
Собачки молодцы охраняют людей.
Porque será que esses pesoal aí amam esses bichos gente esses bichos tem que tratar eles e na bala
Was this true ? Answer is yes, we witnessed first time a inter family war on scientific level. This was a result of when a group of dogs killed an baby of monkey in 2021,then the series of events took place people started to see wide level of unity among both the groups specially monkey targeted the poor pups of dogs but it happened approx 8 months before. But we can clearly see we have to evolve our knowledge on consciousness both the groups showed a level of intelligence which wasn’t believed to exist. Many people, police and locals tried to protect dogs pup from the monkeys as monkeys roamed around the country in groups of 100-200.people kept pups inside home for some days Or weeks till it was settled.
編集で切って貼っただけで なんの繋がりもないストーリー🤣🤣
Ojalá los perros acaben con esas malditas pestes, no entiendo cómo pueden vivir ahí rodeados de esos asquerosos animales
For 1,I can see how they let the monkeys get overpopulated like that, and for one I can’t see how they can live with the monkeys like that, before you know it they’re taking babies and kids!!!
Вывозите лишних обезьян в джунгли,чтобы не мешали вам жить, туда где львов полно
Good dogs for protecting the property of the people
3:02 猿が棒を使って 犬の頭ブッ叩いたのが 超WWW!さすが手足を巧みに使える動物、猿!
I don’t blame the monkeys,if they would have just attacked the grown dogs that killed the baby monkeys.But the puppies😥Nature can be so cruel!💔
Meu Deusss… como vivem nessa cidade??? Com uma maldição de macacos tao grande assimm???
This stuff wouldn’t happen if those street dogs weren’t allowed where the monkeys are.the monkeys shouldn’t be around people’s houses
everyone needs a little monkey to chew on every once in awhile
Tienen que limitar el número de monos.estos son muy perjudiciales
Yes, this is true we do not know the Location of above fight but in India’s rural villages all this happend, children and other bypassers in this video are seen Indian villagers.
Boa tarde! Pra mim é uma honra esta aqui te prestigiando, vamos sempre juntos somar e fortalecer nossos trabalhos, eu já estou por aqui ..
From exhorting spotted tigers to find prey together
Esto es culpa de los humanos, los perros son animales que los humanos irresponsables, egoistas y malvados han abandonado en la calle en donde tienen que luchar por sobrevivir en un ambiente extremadamente hostil para perros, monos y todos los animales no humanos.
Pobres animales, perros y monos son víctimas de la perversión humana.
Porque deixarem essas pragas de macacos reproduzirem tanto, isso deve ser um inferno, affff
Never turn your back on a monkey when sporting a tail.
Good for the dogs if the humans won’t keep those tree rats under control and eliminate a lot of them and let the dogs control them
Какой ужас то у вас там🙌🤝🇷🇺
犬猿の仲ってよく聞くけど本当だったんだね( >Д<;)
Стая обезьян ,это же ужас какой то!
Los perros simpre son fieles cuidando su territorio
No se cómo graban esto y dejan que los perros destrocen a estos monos no tiene alma la persona que graba esto no ai en su país protección al animal
誰被以眾欺寡都不認心 和平相處不是很可愛嗎 看了很心痛 應該冤有頭債有主
Maan even the animals is at war. What a cruel world we live in.
Mata tudo esses macacos bichos horríveis atacando os cães que protegem o ser humano odeio esses bichos 😡
Even the cow wanted some of that smoke😂😂😂
I love how the little puppy held his own from the monkey! I’m routeing for the puppies and dogs!💙
Terjunkan hewan penjaga perdamaian seperti singa dan harimau di wilayah konflik. Pertikaian segera selesai.