I hope you will always be healthy and carefree.
The beginning of the story between me and Manyu.
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#柴犬 #manyu #shibainu #pet #萌宠 #宠物 #豆柴 #曼玉
눕힐때. 흐웅 하는게 기엽누
내내 노곤한 표정 짓다가
귀 팜 당할때 초롱초롱한 표정 나오는거 진짜 미친듯이 귀엽다 ㅋㅋㅋ
지금까지 본 걍아지들은 하나같이 발톱 자를 때 전쟁이던데 이 강아지는 진짜 순하다ㅋㅋ
처음에 꾸웅? 꾸룩 하는 그 소리만 5분을 들었는데 행복해지네여
세상 이렇게 얌전한 댕댕이는 처음본다
개가 어쩜 저리 순하냐… 우리개는 양치 시키려면 손가락 하나 내어줘야함😅
댕댕이 표정이 너무 편안한 표정이라 너무 귀엽다❤
누울때 꿍 하는거 넘 귀요미당 ㅋㅋ
와 세상에… 마법같이 얌전한 댕댕…
어떻게 저리 얌전하지? 너무 귀엽다ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
댕댕이 너무 편안하고 해복한 표정 같아요!
아니 첨에 누울때 꾸웅 하는거 넘 귀여워 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
진짜 얌전하네요
댕댕아 네가 부럽다~^^
스파를 얼마나 자주 받았길래 뿌잉뿌잉 한거니~~전생에 나라를 구했나보당~^^
What a wall mannered and cute doggy 🥺🥰
저렇게 귀여운 시바견이랑 비슷한 녀석은 너무나도 귀엽습니다.❤❤❤😊
You can tell he’s comfortable with you just by the fact that he lets you touch his paws let alone closes his eyes while you do
You can tell he’s comfortable with you just by the fact that he lets you touch his paws let alone closes his eyes while you do
Bro taking care of his dog more than I’m taking care of myself 😅
Bro taking care of his dog more than I’m taking care of myself 😅
That’s the most behave and calm dog I’ve ever seen.
That’s the most behave and calm dog I’ve ever seen.
edit: how tf did this blow up, it’s a normal af comment
That’s the most behave and calm dog I’ve ever seen.
edit: how tf did this blow up, it’s a normal af comment
edit 2: my dad found out, now he’s back with the milk after 24 years
That’s the most behave and calm dog I’ve ever seen.
edit: how tf did this blow up, it’s a normal af comment
edit 2: my dad found out, now he’s back with the milk after 24 years
That’s the most behave and calm dog I’ve ever seen.
edit: how tf did this blow up, it’s a normal af comment
edit 2: my dad found out, now he’s back with the milk after 24 years
what an adorable baby puppy! they super enjoyed that spa day!❤
what an adorable baby puppy! they super enjoyed that spa day!❤
He’s so calm and accepting every treatment!
Sooo cute….especially when he is trying so hard to not fall asleep!!!❤❤❤😂😂😂
Ооо, этот “чмок” в конце ❤
Какой он спокойный 😂
the most calm dog while grooming he was actually enjoying all this
Какой милый и терпеливый щеночек❤
Эта собачка такая спокойная🥰
He’s probably the most polite looking puppy I’ve ever seen
He’s probably the most polite looking puppy I’ve ever seen
До чего же симпатичный питомец. Повезло с хозяином.
Прямо видно как пёсик кайфует ❤
I’ve never seen a more relaxed dog 🥰
I’ve never seen a more relaxed dog 🥰
Такой сладенький малыш❤
😂😂😂😂😂 я просто в шоке какой терпеливый пёсик, прям целую процедуру СПА прошёл! Обалденный уход! 👍👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
How calm and well behaved ❤he is really enjoying the makeover 😅😂
He really enjoyed the paw rubs 😂
He is one adorable little pup! ❤
The most calmest dog doesn’t exis-
I have never seen this kind of a well behaved doggy.
This dog has a better paw care routine then me💀💀
This has got to be _the most_ patient and well-behaved dog in existence 🥰
This has got to be _the most_ patient and well-behaved dog in existence 🥰
Aww you can see that the dog completely trusts the owner. What a nice thing to see before hitting the sack.
He’s so chill…..and adorable. I wanna be this pampered.
He’s so chill…..and adorable. I wanna be this pampered.
The world’s calmest doggy, really needs an audience-
The way he squeaked when his owner lay him down to be groomed 😄
That dog has a better self care routine than I do 😂
That dog has a better self care routine than I do 😂
That dog has a better self care routine than I do 😂
This dog got more care then I ever give myself 😭
That squeaky sound the doggy made at the start of the short was sooo ✨✨✨✨
That squeaky sound the doggy made at the start of the short was sooo ✨✨✨✨
That’s the most patient dog I have ever seen in my life ❤
Baby dog is enjoying his spa day. He’s so calm and relaxed. ❤
Baby dog is enjoying spa day. So calm and relaxed. ❤
Baby dog is enjoying spa day. So calm and relaxed. ❤
Why did this soothe me so
much? I wasn’t even the one being pampered.
Why did this soothe me so
much? I wasn’t even the one being pampered.
The dog did a very good job at being calm 😊
The dog did a very good job at being calm 😊
The dog did a very good job at being calm 😊
Bros getting more care than my parents ever gave me 😭
bro stop thats the cutest thing i saw today😭
Literally, this dog is clean and cared for more than me 😂😂😂
The squeak at the beginning is so adorable
The little noise he makes when you plop him was unexpectedly precious.
I love how the dog is actually enjoying it, and closing its eyes❤😭🐕🐾
He’s the calmest dog I’ve ever seen
He’s the calmest dog I’ve ever seen
The calmest puppy doesn’t exi—
I just adore how much your dog is relaxing and enjoying himself during the whole process 🥰
He is the cutest most calmest and well behaved dog I have ever seen 😭😭😭
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Shiba so relaxed and not cussing someone out 😂
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Shiba so relaxed and not cussing someone out 😂
That whimper I can’t it’s too cute😭😭
oh my goodness he so chill and so freaking adorable 🥰
oh my goodness he so chill and so freaking adorable 🥰
He must have done some really good deeds in his past life eventually he landed in the good hands this birth . This lucky dog getting 5 star treatments from his owner.❤
That last kiss was everything 😊
N he was enjoying his spa session 😴
This baby definitely knows he’s loved with how much he was just pampered, and how good he was at sitting still through the whole thing 🥹❤️
This baby definitely knows he’s loved with how much he was just pampered, and how good he was at sitting still through the whole thing 🥹❤️
Such a cute and patient little cutie!
Every street dog deserves this much love and care🥺
Aww his small foots are so cute!! ❤
This was the most chill and calming video I’ve seen in a while.. I really enjoyed this lol … What a good cute doggie lol
That’s the calmest dog ever ❤
that’s a very confident and calm dog, i love it!
Cuteness overloaded❤
This has gotta be the calmest shiba to ever exist
That is the most well-behaved dog I’ve ever seen in my life.
Bro literally started falling asleep mid session I need this pup asap 😭‼️
the smile at the end got me so much 😭😭
This is one of the most patient dogs in the world, he doesn’t seem to be in any discomfort
This is one of the most patient dogs in the world, he doesn’t seem to be in any discomfort
The way he closes his eyes during the paw scrubbing ❤
Little doggo is so stress-free, I also felt relaxed by it.🤗
Such a well behave little baby . And loves that full loving service from mommy.
Какая прелесть. ❤ Как же этой собачке повезло ❤ с такой отличной, любящей хозяйкой ❤
Well behaved and very relaxed looks like that dog enjoyed spa day😊
He’s a very calm boi, owner must do this regularly if he’s that relaxed, so cute❤
The fact the the dog allows him to do ALL OF THAT without so much as a growl, shows how much trust it has in him.🥰
The fact the the dog allows him to do ALL OF THAT without so much as a growl, shows how much trust it has in him.🥰
This makes me unimaginably happy, such a calm boi.
I see this doggy is used to this type of attention. He was so calm. Wonderful❤
This is the calmest dog grooming i have ever seen, what a good boi
That little noise this baby makes in the start 😭 omg so adorable ♥️
Какой милашка❤❤
He’s adorable😍😍😍😍😍
😂😂😂 ради поцелуйчика напоследок посмотрела еще 2 раза! Такая прелесть!😂😂❤❤❤
This is the most pampered and the cutest baby I’ve seen and so well behaved 🥰😍
Gonna be a really cute, healthy dog❤
Beautiful puppy was in heaven. He looked so relaxed during his spa treatment. Love this video. I watched it a few times!💗💗💗💋
This pup is extremely loved. ❤
The calmest dog doesn’t exi-
Your dog is living the LIFE!🎉🎉🎉
This dog has better care than 90% of humans
So adorable ❤❤
The dog probably felt like a literal king.
I can tell he is really enjoying it so cute his even smilling🐶
This dog is so well behaved!!!❤❤
I have never wanted to be a dog more in my life😂❤
第一次看到這麼聰明 乖巧的柴柴😮貴婦狗比人聰明好命😅
The lil smile at the end❤
Why is it so wholesome?? 😭
Puppy out here being treated better than I ever have.
This dog has a better life than most humans
Bro has more skin care than me😂
I smiled so hard at the cuteness that I started tearing up
哇,比伺候你爹还细心哦 好暖心哇❤❤❤
Ahhh… to be so loved💕 I wish all doggos lived like this 🥰
Awww ❤❤❤ he didn’t even moved he is so cute and silent 😊😊
👇if you think he deserves a treat ❤
How relaxed he looks in the paw massage! So cute!! And it looks like he is so happy with the ear cleaning! WoW!!
Meanwhile huskys: *AAAAAHHHHHHH*
how is this boi laying so calmly??
Not that im complaining or something🥰🥰
Every dog should be treated like this❤
He’s so cute 🥰 Why cant I have this much skin care 😭💀
This dog had a better 50 seconds then I had my whole life
Какой сладкий пёсик ❤
Какой сладкий пёсик ❤
I didn’t think it was physically possible for a shiba to be that chill.
Qui neném mais lindo 😍
I’ve never seen a dog so chill when having it’s feet touched!
El cachorro ama esta rutina de limpieza que más parece una terapia calmante. ❤❤❤❤❤
That’s the most relaxed dog I have ever seen
Послушный какой и балдет ведь.❤❤❤
可愛いおひめさま。🎉cute little prince❤
Que coisa mais fofa 😊❤🐶
The perfect dog doesn’t exis-
Somebody protect this dog at all costs😂
You can tell which parts are his favorite 😂
Paw massage, ear rub, and brush.
The little squeak at the start 🤩🥰, I can’t-
this doggo deserves a treat 🥰
Brother is living a hundred times better life than me…😂😂
His little face when his paws were massaged with the lotion. I can’t even ❤
мне кажется эта собака живет лучше чем большая половина населения планеты
The dog knew it was for his own good so he was so calm
Absolutely loved it😊😊
That dog has a better skin care than me😅😂
Such a happy and calm little puppy
The calmest dog on earth be like
That’s a very patient dog, the blowing a kiss at the end was cute too. ❤
He takes more care of his dog than me with myself 😅😅😂😂
Awwww his little wine at the beginning ❤😊
This is the best .. it’s amazing to see a dog so well used to being groomed. He almost seems to enjoy it. Amazing job raising this pup.
かわいい(˶> <˶)♡
He’s in heaven and super adorable
보는내내 너무 힐링 된다..ㅠㅠ
I can’t stop looking at it, it’s so cute. ❤
he’s sooo cuteee ❤😍
Bro hit the hardest beat with those nail clippers we didn’t know💀
This animal is super loved and im here for this❤❤❤❤
He such a good boy give him extra treats ❤
This dog had a better childhood then everyone I know 😭😭😭
Peaceful and calm puppy enjoying every minute!❤😂
Such a good doogie so adorable
You should never go digging in the ear canal on dogs! Cleaning visible gunk in the outer ear is fine, but if you put a finger/qtip etc in the ear canal you damage the self cleaning system.
The cells in the ear canal have tiny little hairs that work like an escalator to transport any gunk and wax out of the ear. But they’re fragile and will break if you go digging in the ear canal. If your dog (or cat) has excessive ear wax/gunk in the ear canal you need to use a liquid to get it out. Get the liquid to a comfortable body temperature, fill the ear canal and massage it on the outside to get the liquid to slosh around and loosen the gunk and wax. A lot will fly out when they shake their head and the rest will be dissolved into small enough pieces for the escalator to remove.
Офигеть, такой спокойный..
He loving those paw rubs 😂 falling asleep and chilling
Takes better care of his dog than I do myself
This is the cutest thing i saw today
Thanks for make my day better🥰
お利口さん・ω・されるがままの柴犬さん 可愛すぎ(●´ω`●)♥テンポ良すぎW
The way manyu smiles❤
Awww keeps closing his eyes! He is so relaxed and being so good!
Такой послушный❤
AQui 👇los que aman a los perros
Хороший хозяин ❤я тоже так хочу 😂
This dogs cleaner than some people I know 😂 what a lovely pup❤
His little smile at the end was so cute and definitely has better skin/fur routine then me XDDD
I call this puppy the “non existent pup” cuz he’s too perfect
Way too cute❤
The dog loves every single second of it 😍
This dog gets better massages than most humans- ❤💀
This melted my heart 🥰😍❤
И подстригли, почесали, носик помазали😊.
.. И поспать успел😊… Прелесть
Какой симпатяга! Просто милота! 💋🥰
Such an adorable doggie! UwU
That’s one good behaving dog!! I’ve never seen a dog behave so well before
This dog is cleaner than 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999% of humans
Every video I see of him,he’s always smiling and so relaxed
The sound he made when u tossed him down has me screaming I don’t think he was ready 😂❤
This is too adorable ❤
This dog is cleaner than the 99.99% of the population ☠️
I swear this dog lives better than my whole family, existence and me
❤The calmest and sweetest dog in the world
Эта собака за один ролик заработала больше чем я за 10 лет работы.
Why u place him down like a loaf of bread tho 😂😂❤
강아지 힐링하는 모습 너무 사랑스러움ㅠㅠ💞💞
Умница собака, просто кайфует.😊 на неё смотреть одно удовольствие ❤
Oh, that precious face!😊 He’s such a good boy too.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Manyu is so tender, you can see that the treatment he receives is perfect
The most patient, calmest and cutest dog I’ve ever seen 🥰😍😻💖
👇aqui los que creen que ese perrito es muy pipiris nais
Милое видео про собачку😊🎉❤
*Cuteness overload*
This dog is more calmer than mine😭✋
This dog is living the best life which I am dreaming ❤
The squeak at the beginning! 🥰 Such a good baby!! 🐾
that’s the calmest Shiba Inu ever
Bro the dog is cleaner than 99% of humans
Лежит кайфует лапочка❤
who thinks this dog is really cute
o cachorrinho é tão fofo ❤❤😊
Ese perro tiene la mejor vida que nosotros 😢
This dog is 100% the most cleanest.😶🌫
This dog is 100% the most cleanest.😶🌫
this dog is cleaner than 95% of all humans
this dog is cleaner than 95% of all humans
Bro is calmer than I could even do my hair
He’s so calm and adorable while getting his daily routine!
That dog literally has a better life than most of us
How well-behaved and sweet the dog is 🐕😍
He is the most calm cute sweet my list could go on about this dog he is such a cute dog love him
He looks so polite i can’t 😭
That cute voice in the beginning❤❤
She really behaves so calmly in a spa treatment n always makes me smile…
N the kiss in the end…cute🤗🤭😍
That is the cutest and calmest Shiba Inu in the world
Coisa mais linda ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I love it! Someone who treats their pet as part of their family.❤
I love it! Someone who treats their pet as part of their family.❤
This dog is cleaner than 95% of humans lol
This dog is cleaner than 95% of humans lol
This is the most behave and calm dog ive EVER seen
Here is the puppy cute shop
So cute 🥺: 10 likes
I love him ❤️: 50 likes
I wanna keep him❤: 100
“CuTeNeSs ObElOuEd”: 500 likes
Это самое умное и милое создание на свете
Это самое умное и милое создание на свете
Это самое умное и милое создание на свете
Me encanta como lo cuidas
Me encanta como lo cuidas
People who just watch the video because the dog is cute
People who just watch the video because the dog is cute
The little dogs smile the whole time shows that he loves being pampered
The little dogs smile the whole time shows that he loves being pampered
Who else agrees this dog is insanely adorable
Who else agrees this dog is insanely adorable
Que lindo hermoso ☺️☺️
Why is he so cute❤️
This dog is cared for in a beautiful and thorough way. They should all be pampered
This dog is cared for in a beautiful and thorough way. They should all be pampered
The most relaxed dog EVER
Обожаю! Вы очень милы, будьте здоровы😘
Now thats a good dog owner
Your dog is very happy 😊
Your dog is very happy 😊
Такой спокойный пёсик 🐩🐩
Il est trop chou ton chien
Bro is the cleanest dog in the world now 💀
Hey guys when she put her dog on the mat it is satisfying ❤❤❤ right 😊😊
This dog is the beatifullest i haved ever seen 😍🤩
Que tierno❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
This dog is calmer and has better skin care than 99.99999999999999% of human and animal population.
진짜 귀여워요😊😊
I like how the dog kissed bey to us at the end
That mm made me cry it’s so cute
I know why she/he is so calm, Shibas are mainly calm dogs, one of the calmest types actually, Shibas are relaxed dogs and are ussualy pets you don’t find in public, these dogs are like an introverted human, I know these things because I LOVE SHIBAS
Самый спокойный Dog 😉
The dog has better skin care than me 😢
That’s the cutest dog I’ve ever seen. 😊😊
Is it weird that the dog has a better skincare routine then me😂 people that agree
Manyu’s smile at the end gets meee ❤❤❤
Omg soo cute 😍😊❤❤❤❤ i Wish i had a puppy or a kitten 😔 but ITS fine 😊❤ the Most Thing that WE need is Love and health for everbody! 😊❤❤❤
That dog is more clean than most humans
何回も思ったけど可愛すぎᐡ⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝ᐡ 私もペット飼ってるけど全然言うこと聞かない こおゆう言うこと聞く犬憧れるな
This is adorable 🥰
Soy yo o este perro vive mejor que el 99% de todas las personas
Cute puppy 😊😊😊😊
Bro, I had to watch the beginning of the video 20 times for me and it was so cute🥹
Bro really knows how to take care of a dog.
What a adorable puppy😍😍😍
He’s so adorable he deserves all the love ❤️
So cute team❤❤❤
this has to be the cleanest dog i’ve ever seen
That dog’s getting a better treatment than all of us combined 💀🫡
SOO ADORABLE he perfect and he knows it❤😍
That dog is having the time of its life😊
This dog is 99.9999% healthier than normal humans
Bro the proudness on his face when his ears were getting cleaned. I read his eyes saying “ Look at me! I’m gorgeous!”
This dog is living life at it’s finest
The way the dog closes their eyes ❤
The cry of help at the beginning 😂
Cute dog❤❤
I swear this dog has better hygiene/pampered care than 95% of humans I know..
That was adorable! What a good boy!
So Cute Amma Kaali Bless U And Him❤❤❤❤
This is The Most Well Behaved Dog I’ve Ever Seen
That dog made me chill out and it looked so cute and was so relaxed
Este perro tiene mejor vida que yo😭😭
He is the best dog i have ever see
Это такая красивая,умненькая и терпеливая собачка,и конечно же очень ухоженная,я ее полюбила.
Очень Вас прошу,будьте с ней понежнее,не делайте ей больно.
this is the cutest dog I have ever seen
This dog is getting the best doggo award! 🥇
There are only 8k seats to see the ceremony!
Claim your seats here!
He is the best boy and cutest little thing I ever saw in my life 😊
Awe that’s adorable and cute
She’s so cute and brave 😊
He was dancing while his owner cleaning his ears i love him so much 🎉❤❤❤❤
This is the kindest and coolest dog in the world❤
I cried because of how cute this dog is!!! Gimmeee ittt
Что за порода очень красивая ❤❤😊
This dog lives better than me
Super cute! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💖💖💖💖💖
That dog got treated better in 1 minute then I ever have 😂
ayo that is the cutest dog
People who just admired the dog
❤❤ tierno y adorable
This puppy is so cute🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
You have the cutest dog in the world❤️❤️
Este foarte adorabil cățelușl😊😊❤❤
What’s the most cutest thing in the world😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I love that kiss at the end
Милый очень❤ щеночки ❤
Puppy: relaxing😴
Me: mom i wana be a puppy like this one🤣
Dang that dog is calm, even if I just put my dog on his back, he would bite me 😂
I want to be him❤❤
👇Who too🥹
Who think it’s the cutest dog ever
Such a cute dog my dog hates it when I touch his paws 😊
This dog has a more extensive shower routine than I have
This dog has a more extensive shower routine than I have
How does this dog have a better routine than me 😭
The face the dog made when they said bye, she looked like she was relieved from the cleaning 😂
O cao e muito fofo❤❤❤😊
The little whimper in the beginning 😭😭
The little whimper in the beginning 😭😭
I can’t believe he stood still for that long 😊
У вас такая красивая сабака так красиво сидит и глазки еë такие красивые что аш блестят❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
This dog is cleaner than 50% of human
You have cutest little dog in the world.
The dog is more clear than 95% of human lol
Moye moye
강아지 이빨 닦을때 뽀득뽀득 거리는거 너무 웃기고 귀여움…
I got a problem how can this beautiful animal get love and affection but my GoodGuys around the world don’t have someone as special as this human to love us like that. Shouts out to this human giving love ❤️
Manyu is so cute. I love her li’l footies!🐶💕❤️❤️❤️
*This dog is cleaner than Mr Clean Himself*
*Amazing 🤩*
I like the sound he made when he first put him
On his back lol so cute ❤
She is sou prutty ❤❤😊😊
Soooo cute! ❤❤❤
Edit: The nail cutting sounded like “Sweet Dreams Are Made of Screams”
Que tiernk y hermoso ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
He seems to feel comfortable with it ❤
The most behaved dog ive encountered out here in the wild😂
Manyu debería ser arrestada por exceso de ternura ❤️
This dog live better than 99 percentage of human
Bro this dog lives better life than 90% of us ngl.
Bro this dog lives better life than 90% of us ngl.
Bro this dog lives better life than 90% of us ngl.
That dog got a better skincare routine than me😂
That dog is the most behaved and calm dog i ever seen don’t hurt him he’s too cute
So cute love this dog ❤❤❤
Jesús bendito seas perito eres un ángel 😊😊
Manyu is so cute and presious ❤❤ and adorable 🥰🥰
Why is no one talking about him having a better life than us 😢
Edit: yes I liked my own comment ❤
da mucha ternuraa❤❤❤❤❤
Manyu Is so Cute!!!
The Smile of the Final face was a little bit Creepy but Cute!!!
The dog 🐶 is 98 % cleaner than human . And the dog 🐶 is also much luckier than all the other dogs. ❤
The dog 🐶 is 98 % cleaner than human . And the dog 🐶 is also much luckier than all the other dogs. ❤
めっちゃ大人しくてええ子や…( ᵒ̴̷͈ ⌑ ᵒ̴̶̷͈ )
Впервые вижу чтобы так сильно любили питомцев
I love it so much ❤️💝😊
The whimper in the beginning made me sad😭😂😂
Such a cute little puppy !!!!!! he deserves all the royal treatment!!
The whimper in the beginning made me sad😭😂😂
Such a cute little puppy !!!!!! She deserves all the royal treatment!!
У этого щенка королевская жизнь 😘😘❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I love the sound when he rubs the paws 🐾
Que ermoso 🐶 perrita es tan linda la amo ❤❤❤😊
This dog is more loyal than a million people!